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  1. 翻译成英文
  2. 巴黎景点英文介绍
  3. 梦见旅游景点风景很美
  4. 求英语中描述山河湖海之类自然景观的单词或词组
  5. 有谁能提供一些有趣或者吸引人的话题






La Sainte Chapelle 教堂

建于Cite岛上裁判所的中央庭园,是一二四六年至一二四八年时期所建的哥特式教堂,内里有金碧辉煌的彩画玻璃。此教堂用了三十三个多月时间造成,由 Pierre de Montreuil 所设计。


爱菲尔铁塔当初是为了万国博览会而建,自1887年到1931年纽约帝国大厦落成前,保持了45年世界最高建筑物的地位。爱菲尔铁塔高320 公尺,建筑设计最著名的是防范强风吹袭的对称钢筋设计,兼具使用和美观,铁塔共分为3层,登顶收费依楼层而定。搭快速升降梯直达274公尺高的顶层,就可以尽览巴黎美景。白天视野佳时可远眺72公里远。黄昏时前往,可同时欣赏白天与夜晚不同景色交替,特别是灯火通明的凯旋门方向,令人目光不忍稍移。


以可观的雕刻及美丽的彩画玻璃而著名的Chartres,坐巴黎铁路约五十五分钟就到达。除了参观大教堂(Cathedrale)以外,也可用一天在Chartres 地方,悠闲地自由漫步旧市街的地方。在大教堂从边旁约二百公尺的地方。Eure河岸的道路,有中世纪一样的气氛。

Le Pantheon

十八及十九世纪的建筑物,是名人 Rousseau,Voltaire,Hugq,Emile Zola,Jean Jaures,Jean Moulin等墓地。

L'arcde Triomphe 凯旋门


Le Palais de Chaillot

于一九三七年建造,原用作展览场地。此建筑分为两翼:paris翼有**图书馆"Henri Langlois"、**博物馆、国家公众剧场"Theatre National Populaire"及法国名胜古迹博物馆。另一边为Passy翼内有海军博物馆及人类博物馆(Musee de I'Homme)。

La grande Arche 新凯旋门


La Place de la concorde 协和广场


Montmartre 蒙玛特


L'Eglise de la Madeleine

十八至十九世纪希腊式的教堂 La Place des Vosges 巴黎最古老的广场,四周有漂亮的拱廊建筑包围着,广场的一个角落有雨果于一八三二年至一八四八年期间住过的房子,现而改为博物馆供参观》

Notre Dame Paeis 巴黎圣母院大教堂

建于十二至十四世纪(一一六三年至一三四五年)由Maurice de Sully 所设计,从圣母院塔上可欣赏到塞纳河上的风光及庞皮度中心。星期天晚上圣母院内不时有风琴演出。

L'opera Bastille Le Quartier du Marais

浮在塞纳河上岛的对面右岸上的地区就是广场乃在此地区。这里有十六至十八世纪时期的宫廷或大府邸。每年夏季都会在庭院内举办演奏会、戏剧等活动。 从庞比度中心至广场是一段不错的漫步路线。



La. Bastille (colonne de Juillet) 七月纪念碑

此纪念碑位于巴司的广场是纪念一八三零年七月革命的牺牲者。 交通:乘搭地铁站下车。 La Colonne Vendome 此纪念碑是用于一八零五年在所夺得的1,200支大炮的铜所铸成。

Georges Pompidou 庞比度中心

国家现代艺术博物馆,经过两年休葺。于2000年1月1日重开。藏有由后印象派至现在的艺术作品,由Marais向西行一段路,就到达CertreBeaubourg,哪儿有极为摩登的建筑物与中世纪的浪漫气息互争短长。 庞比度中心比邻幽雅华丽的哥特式Saint Merri教堂,虽然Certre Pompidou的建筑形式尚是在激烈的争议中,但却无可否认,此建筑物是游客必到之处,成为今日法国游客人次最多的名胜。

La Conciergerie


Paris Street Scene

The Image

This photograph was created in Paris during my most recent visit to my hometown in December2003-January 2004. This street is located right accross the river from Notre Dame. I liked the soft light -the photograph was taken late in the day- and the attractiveness of the scene. This street seemed as if lost in time, as if it had not changed for 100's of years. The image is soft, with just a hint of color. There is enough color to show it is not black and white but not so much that it is overwhelming. I wanted a soft, pastel quality in this image. The ***oothness of tones and the low contrast level are very pleasing. There are details throughout the image, both in shadow and highight area. The actual print looks much better than what the web can show you.

The Print

This image is offered in studio size (8x10 print size, 11x14 mat size). Each photograph is signed individually by myself under the print and on the mat.

This photographs is printed on Epson Premium Glossy Photo paper with Ultrachrome High Gloss archival inks and with the Gloss Enhancer. There is no bronzing whatsoever.

This photograph is ***ailable framed and unframed. The frame is a handmade maple burl inlayed frame. The moulding is truly magnificent and does emphasize the beauty of the image. The photographs I took of the framed and matted piece show very closely how beautiful this presentation is. However, this piece looks much better in reality than a web photograph can show! You just won't believe your eyes when you receive it.

To keep with the Alain Briot Print Print of the Month Collection spirit I am offering you a unique price on both the matted and the matted and framed version of Paris Street Scene.

A Unique Special offer

This photograph is priced at my special "print of the month price." Look at the table below and compare it to my regular prices to find out exactly how much you are s***ing through this incredible offer!


Shipping is included in the Print of the Month price. US orders are shipped via US Priority Mail insured and trackable. International and overseas orders are shipped via US Airmail insured. Your package is normally shipped the day after we receive your order.


Each package is professionally packed and insured for its full value by us. We guarantee that you will receive your matted or framed photograph in perfect condition. If you receive your photograph damaged simply contact us and then return the damaged photograph to us. We will ship you a new piece right away upon receipt of your return piece at no extra cost.

One year, 100% Money Back Guarantee

All purchases are covered by my unique 100% Take one year to decide money back guarantee. If you are not satisfied with your purchase for any reason just return it (in original condition) for a refund or credit. Take one year to decide.









With computer hardware and the rapid development of the Internet, people are no longer satisfied with the display in the letter and the rigid two-dimensional picture, so many 3D roaming technology start of the widespread ***lication in the network up. Many city maps and attractions can be introduced through the 3-D technology is the emergence of true on the network, a network that is also virtual reality world. In this paper, through the presentation of VRML and Cult3D technology, as well as two technology development at the Beijing Normal University, Zhuhai library network roaming system that allows readers to understand the typical Web3D technology. In addition, the VRP with this new temporary access to the network has not roaming areas of virtual reality technology is also relevant description. In order to let readers know more intuitive network roaming, as well as virtual reality technology, but also through the production process and the description of some of the practical display of works to ensure that the thesis of theoretical research papers at the same time strengthen the practicality. It can be predicted that in the future the research and development network in the world, there will be strong Web3D technology's potential ***lications.

Key words: network roaming; virtual reality; Cult3D; VRML; VRP.



Street Scene

The Image

This photograph was created in Paris during my most recent visit to my hometown in December2003-January 2004. This street is located right accross the river from Notre Dame. I liked the soft light -the photograph was taken late in the day- and the attractiveness of the scene. This street seemed as if lost in time, as if it had not changed for 100's of years. The image is soft, with just a hint of color. There is enough color to show it is not black and white but not so much that it is overwhelming. I wanted a soft, pastel quality in this image. The ***oothness of tones and the low contrast level are very pleasing. There are details throughout the image, both in shadow and highight area. The actual print looks much better than what the web can show you.

The Print

This image is offered in studio size (8x10 print size, 11x14 mat size). Each photograph is signed individually by myself under the print and on the mat.

This photographs is printed on Epson Premium Glossy Photo paper with Ultrachrome High Gloss archival inks and with the Gloss Enhancer. There is no bronzing whatsoever.

This photograph is ***ailable framed and unframed. The frame is a handmade maple burl inlayed frame. The moulding is truly magnificent and does emphasize the beauty of the image. The photographs I took of the framed and matted piece show very closely how beautiful this presentation is. However, this piece looks much better in reality than a web photograph can show! You just won't believe your eyes when you receive it.

To keep with the Alain Briot Print Print of the Month Collection spirit I am offering you a unique price on both the matted and the matted and framed version of Paris Street Scene.

A Unique Special offer

This photograph is priced at my special "print of the month price." Look at the table below and compare it to my regular prices to find out exactly how much you are s***ing through this incredible offer!


Shipping is included in the Print of the Month price. US orders are shipped via US Priority Mail insured and trackable. International and overseas orders are shipped via US Airmail insured. Your package is normally shipped the day after we receive your order.


Each package is professionally packed and insured for its full value by us. We guarantee that you will receive your matted or framed photograph in perfect condition. If you receive your photograph damaged simply contact us and then return the damaged photograph to us. We will ship you a new piece right away upon receipt of your return piece at no extra cost.

One year, 100% Money Back Guarantee

All purchases are covered by my unique 100% Take one year to decide money back guarantee. If you are not satisfied with your purchase for any reason just return it (in original condition) for a refund or credit. Take one year to decide.









梦见去玩风景很美丽 ,偶尔放纵一下,玩乐又何妨!即使走在路上,也会飞来爱慕的眼光。很舍得花钱,原本的储蓄***已抛诸脑后。工作/学业:别太执着完美,把工作/学业当做玩乐也是一种幸福。



梦见很美风景 ,无论做什么事情,只要是有付出,你都希望能够得到奖励呢!物质报酬也好,口头感谢赞扬也好,只有对你的付出表示肯定,你才会有心满意足的感觉!恋人这两天若能察觉到这一点,就会发现,一向难追的你人也是蛮好哄的呢!

梦见***风景很美,按周易五行分析,吉祥色彩是 红色 ,***数字是 9 ,财位在 正西方向桃花位在 西南方向 ,开运食物是



梦见风景很美的群山 ,谷底大翻身,有好事发生!有机会遇到对你不错的异性!一项新的投资理财方案,让你获利不少。适合做Presentation,因为今天的说服力很强。


梦见很美风景,按周易五行分析,***数字是 0 ,财位在 正东方向 ,桃花位在 西北方向 ,吉祥色彩是 橙色 ,开运食物是 番茄


梦见很美的风景 ,出现考验你的场合,需要下硬功夫才能过关哦!无论是事业还是学业上,你今天最好对自己手头上的材料相当熟练。被上司/老师查岗的机会也是有的,不要开小差哦!平时你对待别人的态度,今天会被别人用在你身上,建议你多多思量,好好反省自己了。



梦见风景很美的公园,按周易五行分析,吉祥色彩是 蓝色 ,***数字是 4 ,桃花位在 正南方向 ,财位在 正北方向 ,开运食物是 绿豆

梦见梦里风景很美 ,对自己要实现的目标相当明确,也知道如何一步步去实现它。虽然你有可能会借助到他人的力量,但是整个过程的走向仍然被你牢牢地控制在手中!缘分往往来自远方,瓶子容易和不相识的陌生人发生一段精神恋爱!







an unfrequented mountain ——人迹罕至的高山;



a sluggish stream——缓缓流淌的小溪;

limpid stream ——清澈的小溪;

a mere trickle——涓涓细流;

river of no return ——奔腾的河流;

tempestuous; turbulent; surge; rage ——汹涌的(形容词);

turbulent w***es; with waters raging——波涛汹涌(词组)





标签: #梦见

